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CNN, Energy and Great Deception. You’d hafta be living under a rock somewhere, not to know about what has been happening to CNN. Most of us would call it justice, or payback. For others, it’s just reality finally making an appearance. But, there are other things going on, than just CNN: The Failure of Energy. Great Deception. There is a reason why these are the Last Days, and I believe that our obsessive reliance on oil is one of them. Or, maybe I should have said that the failure of oil, in the face of that obsession.
The other is deception upon deception.————————————–Subscribe to The Shock Letter and receive my articles in your inbox: http: //theshockletter. Or, get the Shock Letter via RSS Feed: http: //www. If you need help with that, let me know – JL)————————————–CNN, Energy and Great Deception.
All time
A former University of Colorado Boulder graduate student is suing his ex-advisor for defamation after being shooed out midway through his doctoral program. Gabi lunged toward Commissioner Raines in an effort to seize his gun, but she only managed to scratch his face before he regained control of the situation. The Trump administration has dramatically ramped up immigration arrests inside the US while it scapegoats millions of people by painting them as violent criminals who.
Those three things are a huge topic, and I would love to spend a lot of time writing on that. Unfortunately, events over the past week have left me with little time to do so. Having said that, the research below should clue you in. Oh, and as a teaser, did you know that there is going to be an international conference in November, held by the Flat Earth Society? We live in the age of great deception, and THAT is just one example.———————–Read my book, Ezekiel’s Fire. It’s the Fourth and final Edition.
Watch The Case for Christ Full Movie (2017) Online Now! Latest Drama of Beloved The Case for Christ is Free Ready To Be Streamed Right Now! Visit Us For All Blacks vs Wallabies Live Stream- online Rugby Australia vs New Zealand With HD Coverage at a cheap Price. How to Watch New Zealand vs Australia. Watch "You're Watching CBSN", a CBSN video on View more CBSN videos and watch CBSN, a live news stream featuring original CBS News reporting. John-All name-calling aside, the theory of evolution, created by God-haters, is recognized by bible-believing Christians to be pure fiction, and based upon a.

It’s free, and it may just save your life. Here’s the website: http: //www.
Or, download the PDF: http: //www. For E- Pub Format: http: //www. And, Kindle Format: http: //www. THIS WEEK’S RESEARCHMy research sources are pretty wide ranging, and their number keep growing. So, instead of listing all of my sources, let me list the ones that deserve special mention: http: //rebelplanetdispatch.
A big thank you to all who sent me articles. I appreciate all of it. IF YOU READ NOTHING ELSE.
Seriously, start with these. And yes, these are pretty serious. Donna Leal – Her Story – Survivor of Child Abuse and the Unspeakable – You.
Tube. Everyone needs to listen to this. No matter how much you have suffered, Jesus can take that suffering and bear it for you. He can turn defeat into victory. Abuse into blessing. And, I am very glad that I took the time to listen.
If you are someone who had even a . Cult Horror Movies Shot (2017). I am sickened by the hardness that I see in churches, where those who suffer are treated with disdain. Where the weak are cast aside and treated with contempt. No, judgment is coming because our hearts are hard and our love has died. You need it. Donna Leal – Her Story – Survivor of Child Abuse and the Unspeakable . Those who step forward with their story, are a blessing to those who cannot. Psychographics 1.
You. Tube. Since I finished my MBA and launched out into the world of communication, I became aware of just how manipulative and psychopathic the art of sales and marketing is. While I was studying for my MBA, I never stopped to think about the ethics of the manipulation behind these efforts. But, that has changed. Now, it’s not. Now, it’s about preying upon the weak- willed, separating them from whatever money that they have, for your own personal gain.
Eventually, they will be so good at it, that you won’t know what is true, and what isn’t. He gives proof that you can test on your own. You are spreading deception. You need to repent. Stop being played with. And then, I SAW the comments. A drooling idiot.
You have my compassion and my sympathy. And, I mean that with utter sincerety. I really feel sorry for those who believe that the Earth is flat. And THAT is a sin. So that Christ would be mocked.
We hear the hoopla, and lots of real life applications have started to grab our attention. But, is it all that it’s cracked up to be? Every time. Facebook drone could one day provide global internet access – News from The Associated Press. For elite control of the world to be extended and perfected, everyone must have Internet access. So, consider this a big step for the global elites. A very big step. POWERFUL COMMENT FROM JENNIFER – Stubbornness and Rebellion . Your faith in Christ, and your dedication to obeying Him, is inspiring.
And, for every comment or email that I receive, I know that there are hundreds more who quietly go about their service to the Lord with absolute faithfulness. How To Watch The Hitman`S Bodyguard (2017) Online on this page. And, when I see a truly amazing comment, (such as this one) I want to share it. I was a bit reluctant to share, because of how sensitive her comment is, but it is so powerful in it’s outright honesty and truth that I could not resist, so here it is: Greetings John,Going to take some time to digest the newsletter this week . I can make it all the way through!
What struck me especially was the title and introduction. Been going through the One Year Bible Online and each day includes a “What Now” thoughts and questions. Not long ago it talked about cracks in our spiritual life and praying about them, and thankfully I did. The following short dream was the LORD’s answer and coincides with your intro. Here’s the context of the dream: I was in an emotional affair with another man and had 3 notes he had written me.
I knew if my husband found these notes, it would destroy our marriage. Fast forward, I had to go out and get something done. While I am out, I suddenly remember I had left the notes on our bed and my husband was home. I run as fast as I can back home, hoping he didn’t find them. I get home and he had not and I grabbed them. Here’s the part that bothers me: instead of getting rid of these marriage destroying notes after the close call, I decide to still hang on to them!! When I woke up and prayed, 1 John 2: 1.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.”3 “notes” I am hanging onto, even though they could destroy my “marriage.” Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. A disturbing eye opener for me I need to continually take to heart. Our LORD is not kidding when He told us to be vigilant and pay attention. We need to guard our hearts, minds, souls in Christ Jesus. We cannot do it without Him. We desperately need His help and His light to shine on those dark places in our soul.
This last is for all of us: How about you join me in that prayer, asking our LORD where there might be cracks in your spiritual life and relationship with Him. Remember though: the response may not be easy to see and hear, but our LORD is the truth business and it will be what we need to see and hear. What sin might you be hanging on to that needs to be let go?~Jennifer That is the entirety of her comment, and I am deeply impressed by it. It encapsulates our struggle in this life and our need to defend ourselves against sin. And, as the days darken around us, our struggle against sin will be ever more important. We are all deeply flawed and sinful, and I am no better than any of you. But, I rest in the fact that God loves each of us and is faithful.
You truly demonstrate the kind of commitment that we must all have, to survive and serve in the days ahead. Body Language: Mk Ultra Victims?
It is how Satan works. So, those who attempt to deny this Satanic MKULTRA program, are either perpetrators or unwilling to read their Bible. I’m so sorry. But, Jesus suffers with you. God is not removed from the terrible ordeal that you have been through. They stole America from us.
The Universities. And, when enough disgusting and vile professors were inserted into the education system, it was all over.
We sent our precious children to these foul bastions of insanity, and now we pay. Jeff Zucker & Jeff Bewkes Should Stand Trial for Conspiring Against the United States For Corporate Profits – Enough is enough! Zucker is openly committing conspiracy against the country, the people, and brainwashing the viewers of CNN as the latest polls show from Gallup. Zucker is perhaps the most dangerous man in media for he will start World War III just to make a profit. People forget that Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst were responsible for creating journalism, as we know it.