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Zakynthos - Wikipedia. Zakynthos (Greek: . It is the third largest of the Ionian Islands. Zakynthos is a separate regional unit of the Ionian Islands region, and its only municipality. It covers an area of 4. The name, like all similar names ending in - nthos, is pre- Mycenaean or Pelasgian in origin. In Greek mythology the island was said to be named after Zakynthos, the son of a legendary Arcadian chief Dardanus.
Zakynthos is a tourist destination, with an international airport served by charter flights from northern Europe. Watch Online Free Valerian And The City Of A Thousand Planets (2017). The island's nickname is To fioro tou Levante (Italian: Il fiore di Levante, English: The flower of the East), given by the Venetians who were in possession of Zakynthos from 1. The quote underneath reads: . There were also Zakynthian rowers present in the Mycenaean Messenian state. The Mycenaean presence is further attested by the monumental Mycenaean built and tholos tombs that have been excavated on Zakynthos. Most important is the Mycenaean cemetery that was accidentally discovered during road construction in 1.
Kambi. Zakynthos was then conquered by King Arkesios of Kefalonia, and then by Odysseus from Ithaca. According to some sources Saguntum in present- day Spain was founded by the Zakynthians as part of the broader Greek colonisation of the Mediterranean. Some sources claim this occurred 2. Trojan War but this is doubtful. Zakynthos participated in the Trojan War and is listed in the Homeric Catalogue of Ships.
In the Odyssey, Homer mentions 2. Zakynthos among a total of 1. Penelope's suitors. In 4. 30 BC, the Lacedaemonians made an unsuccessful attack upon Zakynthos. The Zakynthians are then enumerated among the autonomous allies of Athens in the disastrous Sicilian expedition. After the Peloponnesian War, Zakynthos seems to have passed under the supremacy of Sparta because in 3. BC, Timotheus, the Athenian commander, on his return from Kerkyra, landed some Zakynthian exiles on the island and assisted them in establishing a fortified post.
These exiles must have belonged to the anti- Spartan party as the Zakynthian rulers applied for help to the Spartans who sent a fleet of 2. Tar is a more effective protector of ship planking than pitch (which is made from pine trees).
The Athenian trireme fleet needed protection from rot, decay and the teredo, so this new source of tar was valuable to them. The tar was dredged up from the bottom of a lake (now known as Lake Keri) using leafy myrtle branches tied to the ends of poles. It was then collected in pots and could be carried to the beach and swabbed directly onto ship hulls. In 2. 11 BC, the Roman praetor Marcus Valerius Laevinus took the city of Zakynthos with the exception of the citadel. It was afterwards restored to Philip V of Macedon. The Roman general, Marcus Fulvius Nobilior, finally conquered Zakynthos in 1. BC for Rome. In the Mithridatic War, it was attacked by Archelaus, the general of Mithridates, but he was repulsed.
In 4. 67 AD, the Vandal. King Genseric pillaged Zakynthos and captured 5.
Zakynthian members of the local elite. Later in 5. 33 AD, the island was used as a naval station for the troops of Byzantine general Belisarius in his campaigns against the vandals in Italy. During the beginning of the Middle Byzantine era, Zakynthos formed a base for the re- establishment of imperial control and the re- Hellenization of the mainland coast.
Zakynthos became part of the Byzantine Theme of Cephallenia, a military- civilian province located in western Greece comprising the Ionian Islands. It was extant from around the 8th century until partially conquered by the Normans of the Kingdom of Sicily in 1.
However, Zakynthos was not a central part of the Theme as its strategos was based mostly at Cephalonia. The Theme was also frequently used as a place of exile for political prisoners. Following the collapse of Byzantine control in southern Italy in the mid- 1. Theme of Cephallenia's importance declined and was subsequently headed by civilian governors. Kerkyra and the rest of the Theme except for Lefkada were captured by the Normans under William II of Sicily in 1. Although Kerkyra was recovered by the Byzantines by 1.
Zakynthos remained lost to Byzantium. They formed a County palatine of Cephalonia and Zakynthos under William II's Greek admiral Margaritus of Brindisi. The County then passed on to a branch of the Orsini family until 1.
Angevins and then from 1. Tocco family. The Tocco used the county as a springboard for their acquisition of lands in the Greek mainland.
However, facing the advance of the Ottoman Turks they successively lost their mainland territories and were once again reduced to the County palatine of Cephalonia and Zakynthos which they held until 1. Ottoman Turks took the island.
Venetian rule. Then it was swapped with the Turks by Venetian secretary Giovanni Dario, negotiator of the treaty of Constantinople (1. Cephalonia and the provision of an annual tribute of 5. As in Venice itself, the Venetian Republic divided Zakynthian society across three broad societal classes, the Cittadini and Popolari based in Zakynthos town and the rural Villani. Shortly after, the infamous Libro d'Oro was first compiled on Zakynthos in 1. It was a formal directory of nobles of the members of the local Community Council. After the Ionian Islands were conquered and annexed by Napoleon Bonaparte's France in 1. Libro d'Oro was ceremoniously burned in Zakynthos town.
The first edition was published in Venice by Zakynthian Dimitrios Zinos in 1. The civil and military governor of the Ionian Islands was the Provveditore generale da Mar, who lived on Kerkyra. Authority on Zakynthos was divided into the Venetian, occupied by Venetians and domestic authorities.
The Venetian authorities represented the sovereign state and its political and military power over Zakynthos. The domestic authorities were appointed by the local Communal Council which was composed of Zakynthians. The Provveditore's responsibilities included security from hostile raids, taxation, religious and other issues and was appointed for about two years. The wealthy made a habit of sending their sons to Italy to be educated. Good examples are Dionysios Solomos, a native of Zakynthos and Greece's national poet, and Ugo Foscolo, also native of Zakynthos and a national Italian poet. However, apart from the wealthy, an overwhelming proportion of the population; particularly, from the Cittadini, Popolari and Villani would have spoken Greek and adhered to the Orthodox faith.
Stradiotes. It is likely that a good number re- settled back in the Peloponnese at a later stage. Another group of Stradiotes under the leadership of Nikolaos Bochalis and Petros Buas settled on the island during the last years of the Venetian- Turkish wars of 1. When Zakynthos became a Venetian holding in 1. Venetian Republic sought to repopulate the island as the native population had dwindled. The Turkish raids in 1. Consequently, the Venice attempted to entice settlers and Greek refugees from mostly mainland Greece with parcels of land and fiscal privileges. However, they were expected provide and upkeep their horses and be ready to serve in war.
And so began the cycle of emigration of Greeks from the Peloponnese, Crete, Rhodes and Cyprus to Zakynthos. One of the most important groups that were settled on Zakynthos were Stradioti (also known as Stratioti). Initially, they entered Venetian military service during the Venetian Republic's wars against the Ottoman Empire in the 1. Stradioti had previously served Byzantine rulers and were pioneers of light cavalry tactics in European armies. After the dissolution of the Byzantine Empire in the Peloponnese, they found asylum and employment in the Venetian strongholds of Napfaktos, Nauplion, Koroni, Methoni, and Monemvassia. Later, as the Venetian Republic lost these holdings, Napfaktos in 1. Koroni and Methoni in 1.
Monemvassia and Napflio in 1. Cyprus in 1. 57. 0–1.