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Elon Musk - Wikipedia. Elon Musk. Musk in 2. Born. Elon Reeve Musk(1. June 2. 8, 1. 97. Pretoria, Transvaal (now Gauteng), South Africa. Residence. Bel Air, Los Angeles, California, U. S. He was previously co- founder and chairman of Solar.
City; co- founder of Zip. X. com, which merged with Confinity and took the name Pay.
Pal. He has a younger brother, Kimbal (born 1. Tosca (born 1. 97. Musk later graduated from Pretoria Boys High School and moved to Canada in June 1. The Choice (2016) Free Online Movie. In 1. 99. 2, after spending two years at Queen's University, Musk transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, where in May 1.
Bachelor of Science degree in physics from its College of Arts and Sciences, and a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from its Wharton School of Business. Musk had extended his studies for one year to finish the second bachelor's degree. The merged company focused on the Pay. Pal service and was renamed Pay. Pal in 2. 00. 1. Pay. Pal's early growth was driven mainly by a viral marketing campaign where new customers were recruited when they received money through the service. The group met with companies such as NPO Lavochkin and Kosmotras; however, according to Cantrell, Musk was seen as a novice and was consequently spat on by one of the Russian chief designers.
In February 2. 00. Russia to look for three ICBMs, bringing along Mike Griffin, who had worked for the CIA's venture capital arm, In- Q- Tel; NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory; and was just leaving Orbital Sciences, a maker of satellites and spacecraft. The group met again with Kosmotras, and were offered one rocket for US$8 million, however, this was seen by Musk as too expensive; Musk consequently stormed out of the meeting. On the flight back from Moscow, Musk realized that he could start a company that could build the affordable rockets he needed. It was concluded that theoretically, by applying vertical integration and the modular approach from software engineering, Space.
X could cut launch price by a factor of ten and still enjoy a 7. Space. X develops and manufactures space launch vehicles with a focus on advancing the state of rocket technology. The company's first two launch vehicles are the Falcon 1 and Falcon 9 rockets (a nod to Star Wars' Millennium Falcon), and its first spacecraft is the Dragon (a nod to Puff the Magic Dragon). In September 2. 00. Space. X's Falcon 1 rocket became the first privately funded liquid- fueled vehicle to put a satellite into Earth orbit. This was the first time in history such a feat had been achieved by an orbital rocket and is a significant step towards rocket reusability lowering the costs of access to space.
In combination, the 9 Merlin engines in the Falcon 9 first stage produce anywhere from 5. MN (1. 3 to 1. 5 million pounds) of thrust, depending on altitude. Humankind evolved over millions of years, but in the last sixty years atomic weaponry created the potential to extinguish ourselves.
Sooner or later, we must expand life beyond this green and blue ball—or go extinct. Musk's goal is to reduce the cost of human spaceflight by a factor of 1. Tesla Motors first built an electric sports car, the Tesla Roadster in 2.
Tesla began delivery of its four- door Model S sedan on June 2. It unveiled its third product, the Model X, aimed at the SUV/minivan market, on February 9, 2. Model X launch was however delayed until September 2. Musk was able to bring in both companies as long- term investors in Tesla. Musk stated the plant will be .
The alpha design was proposed to use a partial vacuum to reduce aerodynamic drag, which it is theorized would allow for high- speed travel with relatively low power, with certain other features like air- bearing skis and an inlet compressor to reduce air drag. The alpha design document estimated the total cost of an LA- to- SF Hyperloop system at US$6 billion, but this amount is speculative.
The track was used in January 2. Musk also started building a tunnel. It was on May 1. 2, 2. A. M and had lasted 5.
Open. AI aims to develop artificial general intelligence in a way that is safe and beneficial to humanity. The company, which is still in the earliest stages of existence, is centered on creating devices that can be implanted in the human brain, with the eventual purpose of helping human beings merge with software and keep pace with advancements in artificial intelligence. These enhancements could improve memory or allow for more direct interfacing with computing devices. Plan to start digging in a month or so. As of January 2. 6, 2.
It is not quite self- delusion, but there is a habit of thinking of oneself as a free- standing, independent agent, and of not acknowledging the subsidies that one received. And this goes on all the time in Silicon Valley. And I think there is a business reason for it.
They are dealing with a lot of investors for whom subsidies are not the basis for a long- term viable business, and they often want to exaggerate the speed with which they are going to be able to become independent. One example given is New York state, which is spending $7. Buffalo which will be leased to Solar. City for $1 a year. The deal also includes no property taxes for a decade, an estimated $2. Musk employs a former U. S. State Department official as the chief negotiator for Tesla.
There have been many foolish things the United States has done and bad things the United States has done. He doesn't seem to have the sort of character that reflects well on the United States. Regarding his cooperation with Trump, Musk has subsequently commented: . The same report noted that . The report further noted that . In 2. 00. 4, he contributed US$2,0. President George W.
Bush's reelection campaign, maxing out (over US$1. Marco Rubio, who represents Florida, a state critical to the space industry. Alongside Patton Boggs LLP, Space. X uses several other outside lobbying firms, who work alongside Space. X's own lobbyists. However, in May 2.
Musk publicly withdrew his support in protest of advertisements the PAC was running that supported causes like the Keystone Pipeline. Musk and other members, including David O. Sacks, pulled out, criticizing the strategy as . If we give in to that, we'll get the political system we deserve.
Michelle Bachman (R- Minn.). Marco Rubio, who has been accused of holding similar positions regarding climate change.
Do I think that there's some sort of master intelligence architecting all of this stuff? I think probably not because then you have to say: . So I think really you can explain this with the fundamental laws of physics. You know it's complex phenomenon from simple elements. When asked whether he believed . Like when you're playing an adventure game, and you can see the stars in the background, but you can't ever get there. If it's not a simulation, then maybe we're in a lab and there's some advanced alien civilization that's just watching how we develop, out of curiosity, like mould in a petri dish..
If you look at our current technology level, something strange has to happen to civilizations, and I mean strange in a bad way. And it could be that there are a whole lot of dead, one- planet civilizations. During an interview at the MIT Aero. Astro Centennial Symposium, Musk described AI as . In January 2. 01.
Future of Life Institute, an organization focused on challenges posed by advanced technologies. I like to just keep an eye on what's going on with artificial intelligence. Musk continued, .
And we should try to make sure the outcomes are good, not bad. Elaborated as follows: The strongest argument for us probably being in a simulation I think is the following: 4.
Pong – two rectangles and a dot. That's where we were. Now 4. 0 years later we have photorealistic, 3.
D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously and it's getting better every year. And soon we'll have virtual reality, we'll have augmented reality. If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then the games will become indistinguishable from reality, just indistinguishable.
Top 5. 0 Free VST Plugins Of 2. Last updated on January 1st, 2. With 2. 01. 5 almost behind us, the time has come once again to look back and pick the best free VST plugins released this year. BPB brings you our biggest plugin roundup yet, a selection of the 5. For an updated version of this list, check out our Top 2. How To Watch Night School Documentary (2017) Movie more. Best Free VST Plugins Of 2. The list is organized into three sections: Top 2.
Top 2. 0 freeware instruments and Top 1. MIDI tools in VST plugin format. Use the menu below to quickly browse the article and please make sure to share this page with your friends if you find it useful. Thank you in advance and make some great music in 2. Effects. TDR Nova ( VST/AU/AAX .
Enjoy! Free VST Effects#1 TDR Nova by Tokyo Dawn Labs (Windows, Mac OS)Previously known as Nova 6. P, Vladislav Goncharov’s excellent dynamic equalizer plugin ranked as the #1 freeware effect in the 2. The plugin is now called TDR Nova (re- released by Tokyo Dawn Labs) and, having been updated with a brand new user interface and a variety of improvements across the board, takes the number one spot on our list, second year in a row. Compared to the old version of the plugin, TDR Nova features a slick new GUI, a slightly extended frequency range (1.
Hz – 4. 0 k. Hz), improved filters with a smoother sound optimized for mastering purposes, a more precise real- time frequency analyzer, additional stereo modes, as well as M/S mode. These improvements come at the cost of a somewhat higher CPU usage, however the plugin is now mainly intended for use in mastering projects, in which sound quality is definitely more important than the plugin’s consumption of available CPU resources. Combining the core functionality of Nova 6.
P and the updated features from the new version, TDR Nova is one of the best equalizer plugins you can download for free at the moment. An alternative paid version called TDR Nova Gentleman’s Edition is available for users who would like to expand the plugin’s feature set with two additional bands, steeper filters (up to 1.
B/octave) and several other improvements. More info: TDR Nova (1. MB download size, ZIP archive or optional EXE installer, 3.
VST/AU/AAX plugin formats for Windows & Mac OS). Everything else about Limited- Z is pretty much good as it gets in a freeware limiter effect, though. The plugin features six different limiting algorithms, a very helpful waveform display with real time peak reduction monitoring, an RMS gain reduction meter, automatic gain compensation, and a host of other useful features to help you speed up your mixing and mastering workflow.
Whether or not oversampling is an essential feature in a limiter will depend on your own mixing habits, of course. If you’re pushing the limiter hard in order to maximize the loudness of your mix, oversampling is definitely a required feature for preventing inter- sample peaks and avoiding audible aliasing artifacts. The paid version of Limited- Z (priced at $2. X/Y controls for dynamic algorithm adjustments, a secondary metering mode, and a couple of other useful features. More info: Limited- Z (3.
MB download size, ZIP archive containing an EXE installer & a manual in PDF format, 3. VST/AU/RTAS/AAX plugin format for Windows & Mac OS). His biggest re- release of 2. Sanford Reverb effect. It is one of the most versatile and best sounding freeware reverb plugins on today’s market. If you’re a fan of the legendary Ambience reverb by Magnus, you’ll instantly fall in love with Sanford Reverb. Our favorite part of Sanford Reverb’s feature set is the excellent freeze mode which is tons of fun to play around with and a great creative tool for sound design purposes.
Other notable features include detailed early reflections control with three early reflection points per stereo channel, full MIDI learn support and reverb modulation with depth and speed controls. Sanford Reverb can emulate anything from very small rooms to large halls and weird cavernous spaces.
It is available as a VST plugin for 3. Windows based host applications. Video: https: //youtu.
Vkap. The plugin was created by Shattered Glass Audio, the same team of developers who made the outstanding SGA1. Packing tons of analog- like mojo under the hood, Code Red Free is yet another brilliant piece of freeware by SGA, equally useful for mixing and post production tasks. It can be used for subtly enhancing the output of multiple mixer channels, leading to a nicely saturated mix. Or, you can simply add it to your master channel and use Code Red Free to tighten up the sound and warm it up a bit. More info: Code Red Free (4.
MB download size, EXE installer, 3. VST2/VST3/AU plugin format for Windows & Mac OS). This is the same developer who created one of our favorite freeware compressor plugins ever, the brilliantly simple and effective DC1.
A. Setting it to auto- timing mode makes things even easier, however adjusting the timing manually is a good idea when working with more transient- heavy material like drums and bass guitars. The compressor does wonders on vocals, but it can also be used to great effect for tightening drums, guitars, and even for adding a bit of color and punch to a full stereo mix.
More info: MJUC jr. It can easily turn a dull sound into an inspiring groove, much like how an arpeggiator can turn a boring old melody into a thrilling sequence. A1. Trigger. Gate by Alex Hilton takes all the essential features of a rhythmic gate and mixes them with a nifty set of additional effects, resulting in one of the coolest and most versatile multi- FX plugins around. The plugin is built around a 1. The sequencer also supports triplets, step randomization and, of course, pattern length adjustment. An AHDSR envelope is included for controlling the amplitude of each step. Finally, A1. Trigger.
Gate features global swing adjustment, a set of three built- in effects (low- pass filter, distortion and an awesome delay!), a useful waveform display and a dry/wet mix knob. Video: https: //youtu. YTFk. MZi. 7Fy. AMore info: A1. Trigger. Gate (1. MB download size, ZIP archive, installer also available, 3. VST/AU/RTAS/AAX plugin format for Windows & Mac)?
That’s exactly what Fuzz. Plus 3 brings to the table, along with self- feedback functionality for coming up with some really crazy distorted sounds.
Fuzz. Plus 3 works equally well as a distortion effect, a resonant low- pass filter plugin, and of course, a combination of the two. The distortion module is modeled after the MXR Distortion+ guitar pedal from the mid- 7. MS- 2. 0 style filter.
Overall, Fuzz. Plus 3 sounds great and it is also a joy to use thanks to its Open. GL- based user interface which looks fantastic and also helps to reduce the plugin’s memory footprint (it doesn’t use any bitmap graphics). More info: Fuzz. Plus 3 (1. MB download size, ZIP archive, 3.
VST/VST3/AU plugin format for Windows and Mac OS). J1. 00. 0’s excellent CL3. Windows is one of the best multi- clippers around and also the only freeware one that we’re aware of. Packed in a classic J1.
GUI with that clean minimal look and a relaxing color scheme, CL3. The audio signal on the input is split into three fixed frequency bands which can then be treated separately using the built- in hard and soft clipping circuits. The plugin’s only major drawback is the fact that it will only work in 3.
DAWs on Windows, since it was made with Synth. Edit. If you still haven’t switched to a 6. DQ6. 5 dynamic equalizer VST plugin by the same developer. More info: CL3. 6 (2.
MB download size, ZIP archive, 3. VST plugin format for Windows, made with Synth. Edit). It combines overdrive distortion, bit crushing and sample rate reduction with an envelope follower, making it possible to transform the audio signal on the input in many different ways, from pseudo compression to subtle transient processing and brutal audio mangling. Gravel works great for beefing up drums and other types of percussive sounds.