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AMERICA – FROT This page was originally in the funny section. But the more I added to it, the less funny it looked, and the more like a train wreck. Sadly, like the Roman empire, America’s days appear to be numbered. I hope things turn around, but it needs to be fast, and I figure exposing some of the bollocks might help that.
The Good. As pretty much everything on this page is negative apart from the picture of wonder woman in her hot pants, I’ll kick things off on a more positive note with a few of my favourite American achievements: Awesome movies like “The Matrix” (1. Flying High” (1. 98. Life changing books like “Catch 2. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” (1. Brilliant albums like “LA Woman” (1. Nevermind” (1. 99.
Vários dos mais talentosos músicos do rock. LAST CALL FOR ADDERALL While taking it a bit easier in the past few years VENEREA is now back with a new high energy anthem-packed album "LAST CALL FOR ADDERALL" All.
WISDOM official website. Great news from our label: "Hungary-based power metal heroes WISDOM pleased to announce the release of a new album on February 26th, 2016.
Styling cars like the Corvette Stingray (1. Plymouth Hemi Cuda (1. Cutting edge bicycles like the Specialized Stumpjumper (1. Merlin Titanium (1. I didn’t really start out intending to make this point, but after listing a few of my favourite things, I then added dates and realised they are all from last century. This page is just a collection of over 5.
American statistics and facts. I leave the reader to draw their own conclusions. The main bias inherent on this page, is that these stats were mostly selected because they make America look bad.
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As a New Zealander I’m aware that NZ has a lot of bad stats too. In fact it was while looking into NZ heath stats that I decided to post this page. Watch Savage Dog (2017) Movie Stream. NZ has some appalling health stats, and in many cases is the second worst developed nation, invariably behind America. Developed countries with good health stats all tend to be in Europe.
The average U. S. American males between the ages of 1.
Americans are considered to be overweight. The United States puts a higher percentage of its population in prison than any other nation on earth does.
One out of every seven Americans has at least 1. The U. S. 9. 8% of this clothing is imported. More people have been diagnosed with mental disorders in the United States than in any other nation on earth.
There are 3. 13 million people living in the United States. The US locks up 7. Norway imprisons 7. Japan jails 5. 4, and Iceland locks up 4. Americans account for 1. On average, a hospital delivery costs US$9,7.
US$1. 5,0. 41 for a Cesarean. There are more guns in the U. S. A coronary bypass in the US costs 5. Canada, Australia, and France, and 1. Germany. One in four children in America grow up without learning how to read. American prison inmates are functionally illiterate.
There are only three countries that don’t give new mothers any paid time off work. America of course, and the other two are Oman and Papua New Guinea. One in 6. 8 US children has autism – the highest level of any country, and of all time.
The American government recommends 4. And by the age of 1.
CDC recommends that children should have gotten 6. Nearly half of all Americans develop cancer, and over half a million people in America died of cancer in 2. Cancer is the #1 cause of childhood death in the United States. By the age of two, if an American child has received all of the recommended vaccines, they have received 2,3. Along with fluoride, American tap water also contains high levels of pesticides and in the 2. LIVE SEARCH STREAM GOOGLE AMERICAtantric massage washington man , haze him yankee porn , ad spanking son pizza punish , dominant bdsm couple backpage , high capscity productuin , totu votzen nackt mollig bilder , sexy schoolgirl monica giron fondals harry the teacher on desk , best porn sites with full pictures of anal black wores gallery , august ames strapon sex fuk puzzy , xxx kinky sex memes , nz hidden cam sex dreads , old lady sexy waddle butt walking seduce young , medicen fat kill serup , stroung pens power xxx , man fuming cow xxx video download , xxx pose piss video facebook , college rule beeg xx com , girl sex horspig video www com , adria rae vs.
Ukraine is restricted to access this page. We are sorry, but. China. United Arab Emirates. Russian Federation.