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When Josh refuses due to his own Christian beliefs, the Professor challenges him to defend his position that his god, Yahweh, is real, leading to a series of confrontational presentations between himself and the professor, with the class as jury. Josh's plans to go to law school depend on not failing this class. Josh's girlfriend urges him not to throw away his future with this pointless act of defiance. At the same time, Pastor Dave and African missionary Jude attempt to leave town on a trip, but are hindered by comical accidents. Student Ayisha is at odds with her father's conservative religious principles. Businessman Mark acts cynically towards his mentally ill mother, while his journalist girlfriend receives bad news from a doctor. There is much discussion of the existence of God.
God is dead. The credits then read, .
Jasinta Reply: December 9th, 2016 at 4:36 am. I love the Holy Spirit He orders our steps. Towards the end of last week through Monday, i had been having this. We must know God's present-day purpose and what Christ. Watch online full movie: God’s Not Dead (2014) for free.