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Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz Tells Oprah Justin Bieber Is a Serious Christian (Watch) (Photo: Youtube. OWN)Carl Lentz sit down with Oprah Winfrey for a taping of Super Soul Sunday October 1. International superstar Justin Bieber was baptized in 2. Oprah, Hillsong NYC Pastor Carl Lentz details the eventful experience and says Justin Bieber is the perfect example of a serious Christian. On her show . She equated his resiliency to being friends with Lentz and then asked about the time the New York pastor performed Bieber's baptism. Lentz said he met Bieber after his friend, fellow pastor Judah Smith, contacted him and said he was . To make a long story short, his baptism was a moment where he was going through it and he was pulling himself up.
He got to a place where he was like, 'I want to start fresh, and I want to make this real. What is baptism, what does that mean in this context?'. His mom did a great job at planting the right seeds, but you get to a point as a man where it goes from being your mama's relationship or your grandmama's religious background to yours. And I think he got to a place where he was like, 'I wanna make this real,'. The pool was unavailable but Chandler offered his bathtub and since the 7- foot- tall athlete had a large enough tub, Lentz and Smith baptized Bieber there. That's why baptism is such a big deal because you don't fake a baptism. That's why we don't necessarily baptize babies.
That's a church tradition, that's fine but babies don't have any control of you dunking them in the water. He's never said he's perfect, he's never said he is the representation of Christianity but I'm proud of him for admitting he's a Christian in the middle of and knowing he's going to have more problems. I love that about Justin. He describes the baptism in detail 2. Follow Jeannie Law on Twitter: @jlawcp.
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