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Wikipedia. Numerous video games are scheduled to be released in the year 2. Assassin's Creed, Bomberman, Call of Duty, Crash Bandicoot, Dawn of War, Destiny, Digimon, Fire Emblem, Gran Turismo, Gravity Rush, Halo Wars, Injustice, Kirby, Marvel vs. Capcom, Mass Effect, Metroid, Need for Speed, Nier, Persona, Planescape: Torment, Pok. Free. Style. Games is renamed into Ubisoft Leamington.

Interactive Entertainment and re- opened. Summit held in Las Vegas, Nevada. Irrational Games is rebranded as Ghost Story Games. Evan Wells remains in his role as sole president. Casey Hudson, who left the company in 2. Capcom 3. Win, XBO.

Sane Trilogy. PS4. Sword Art Online. PS4, PSVita! Baseball 1. NSUtawarerumono: Mask of Truth. Capcom: Infinite. Win, PS4, XBO. Noire Remastered. NS, PS4, XBO! Superior Dynamis.

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