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Mc. Cracken County Public Library : : Home. Led by Matt Jaeger, author and library clerk. All are welcome to join us for the next meeting of Shorts & Stouts which will focus on a pair of stories by GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ: . Marquez is frequently associated with the literary genre magical realism, and these two stories are prime examples. Copies of the Marquez’s Collected Stories will be available to checkout from the library.
So, have fun reading, and then join us at Dry Ground on September 1. PM for a beer (if you choose) and a brilliant discussion of a pair of brilliant stories. Matt Jaeger is a fiction writer and clerk at the Mc. How To Watch A Quiet Passion (2017) Online there. Cracken County Public Library. A graduate of the MFA in Creative Writing program at Spalding University, Matt is the author of three collections of short stories, The Caretakers, The Captives, and All Have the Same Blindness, and is currently at work on a couple novels.
Nick Douglas. Staff Writer, Lifehacker The McCracken County Public Library serves the educational and entertainment needs of McCracken County in far-western Kentucky. FileJoker is a required filehost for all new posts and content replies in the Direct Downloads subforums. Movies For Apple Ipod Risen (2016) there.