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The following is a list of zombie feature films. Zombies are fictional creatures usually portrayed as reanimated corpses or virally infected human beings.
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List of zombie films - Wikipedia. The following is a list of zombie feature films. Zombies are fictional creatures usually portrayed as reanimated corpses or virally infected human beings. They are commonly portrayed as cannibalistic in nature. While zombie films generally fall into the horror genre, some cross over into other genres, such as comedy, science fiction, thriller, or romance. Distinct subgenres have evolved, such as the . Zombies are distinct from ghosts, ghouls, mummies, Frankenstein's monsters or vampires, so this list does not include films devoted to these types of undead.

Zombies. Richard Schenkman. Brown. 20. 06. Alien Dead. Fred Olen Ray. 19. All Souls Day. Jeremy Kasten. Mikels. 19. 68. Automaton Transfusion.
Steven C. Miller. Autumn. Steven Rumbelow. Baron Blood (Gli orrori del castello di Norimberga)Mario Bava. Bath Salt Zombies. Dustin Mills. 20.
Stripper 5)Takao Nakano. Biohazardous. Michael J. Hein. 20. 01. Bio Zombie (Sun faa sau si)Wilson Yip. Black Demons (D. II: Bud the C. H. U. D. David Irving. Cahn. 19. 55. Creepshow. George A. Romero.
The Cross of the Devil. John Gilling. 19. The Crypt. Craig Mc. Mahon. 20. 09. Romero. Night of the Living Dead.
Romero. 19. 85second sequel to Night of the Living Dead. Ford & Jonathan Ford.
The Dead 2: India. Howard J. Ford & Jonathan Ford.
Poole. 20. 07. The Dead Next Door. J. R. Bookwalter. Deathdream. Bob Clark. The Dead One (El Muerto)Barry Mahon. Dead Within. Ben Wagner. Dead. Tommy Wirkola.
Bassett. 20. 02. Leonard. Ouanga. Devil's Playground. Mark Mc. Queen. 20.
Diary of the Dead. George A. Romero.
Night of the Living Dead. Philippe. 20. 14. Furie. 19. 61. Doghouse.
Jake West. 20. 09. Don't Go in the House.
Joseph Ellison. 19. Doom. Andrzej Bartkowiak. Based loosely on the 1. Metcalf. 20. 11. Cahn.
Frankenhooker. Frank Henenlotter. Watch Death Wish (2017) The Movie Full Version more. Seaton. 20. 09. Germ ZJ. T. Boone. 20. 13infected humans. Cahn. 19. 59aliens possess corpses. The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed- Up Zombies.
Ray Dennis Steckler. Island: Wedding of the Zombies (Ada: Zombilerin D.
Romero. 20. 05third sequel to Night of the Living Dead. Zombie (Gay of the Dead)Bruce La. Bruce. 20. 10. Adult film. Romero. 19. 68. First film to depict zombies as reanimated cannibalistic cadavers. Night of the Living Dead. Tom Savini. 19. 90remake.
Night of the Living Dead. Chad Zuver. 20. 14remake. Night of the Living Dead 3. D (Night of the Living DE3. D)Jeff Broadstreet. Night of the Living Dead 3. D: Re- Animation.
Jeff Broadstreet. Night of the Living DE3. D. Zombies. Justin Timpane. Nudist Colony of the Dead. Mark Pirro. 19. 91.
Oasis of the Zombies. Jes! My Zombie Mermaid (!
Ikkenya puroresu)Naoki Kubo. Ojuju. C. J. Bookwalter. Sherman. 19. 86. Rammbock. Marvin Kren. 20. 10. Stewart. 20. 14. Francis. Zombie Night series, mockumentary.
Remains (Steve Niles' Remains)Colin Theys. Anderson. 20. 02first in Resident Evil series. Anderson. 20. 10. Anderson. 20. 12. Anderson. 20. 16.
Resident Evil: Degeneration (Biohazard: Degeneration)Makoto Kamiya. Reinhard. 19. 87. Kerry Prior. 20. 09combination of zombie and vampire. Evil Dead (Shao lin jiang shi, Siu lam geung see)Douglas Kung. Shatter Dead. Scooter Mc. Crae. 19. 94. Shaun of the Dead.
Edgar Wright. 20. Andrews. 20. 12. Phillips and Sean Simmons. Splinter. Toby Wilkins.
Humans infected by splinters. Stacy. Naoyuki Tomomatsu. Romero. 20. 09fifth sequel to Night of the Living Dead. Zombies (Carmilla, the Lesbian Vampire)Vince D'Amato. Vere Vazhi Ille. M. S. Prem Nath. 20. Zombies!!)Matthew Kohnen.
Waxwork. Anthony Hickox. Waxwork II: Lost in Time. Anthony Hickox. 19. Weekend at Bernie's IIRobert Klane. White Zombie. Victor Halperin. Believed to be the earliest zombie film. Cardone. 20. 06. Wilczyca (The Wolf, She- Wolf)Marek Piestrak.
Francis. 20. 03. Zombie Night (2. John Gulager. 20. Francis. 20. 06sequel. Zombie Nightmare.
Jack Bravman. 19. Zombie! Mardi Gras.
Will Frank & Karl De. Molay. 19. 99. Zombiegeddon. Chris Watson. 20.
Zombieland. Ruben Fleischer. Cahn. 19. 57. Zombie Planet.
George Bonilla. 20. Zombie Self- Defense Force (Zonbi jieitai)Naoyuki Tomomatsu. Zombie Strippers. Jay Lee. 20. 08. Douglas. Zombies! Zombies!
Jason M. Murphy. 20. Zombie Undead. Rhys Davies. Zombie Wars. David A. Prior. 20. 06. Zombie Women of Satan.
Steve O'Brien and Warren Speed. Zombiez. John Bacchus. The Rezort. Steve Barker. July 2. 2, 2. 01.
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