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Considering an influential YouTube car guy was just talking about how underrated the 997 is, and the fact that I only had a grand total of two options to choose from.

Ace of Spades HQ. September 0. 7, 2. ONT POLKA PARTY!—Weird. Dave. Continue reading. Well fine then, be that way. No theme for you!

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Hey, wait a minute, the meme can be the theme! That's an absolutely awful idea, but it doesn't take much work on my part! Brilliant! Speaking of memes, this is my favorite one lately.

Buy Christ The Lord (2016) Hq

And this is the best variation on it that I've seen: Still, some of you are probably saying ? You want your money back? Frankly, I like memes, and if I want to feature them on the self- indulgent egostroke that is the ONT, than I will! Heh. That one works for a lot of different memes. No, I mean it. I may have just discovered the universal meme.

Conservative topics are discussed daily with photos and videos amid random chaos. March 20, 2016. FOR TODAY'S BELIZE WEATHER, CLICK HERE. Click for our Daily Tropical Weather Report. Specials and Events. Last night's TV news on Channel 7, Channel 5.

Because, after all, what else is a meme but shouting to the world ! Look at how clever I am! I don't know if she picked the locks of her handcuffs or they just didn't lock them tight enough. De. Vos' speech signals yet again her agency's willingness to end the injustices that spread under the Obama administration, which made women into unquestioned victims and treated men as perpetrators without giving them a chance to defend themselves.

Tet, Take Two: Islam’s 2016 European Offensive. By Matthew Bracken, November 2015. More than a decade ago I wrote my first novel, Enemies Foreign and Domestic. Overnight Open Thread (09-03-2017) —CBD. You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can. Online news and press release distribution service for small and medium-sized businesses and corporate communications. Includes current items, organized by date. Official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). Find messages of Christ to uplift your soul and invite the Spirit.

She also accused the former administration of . It was also a welcome change from the guidance the Obama administration issued in 2. At the time, the . The left greeted this speech with their typical reasonableness and coolness of head: She didn't say anything at all about . Including situations where the school's utter inability to handle such an investigation properly resulted in actual rapists going free.

None of the harpies attacking De. Vos want to talk much about the false accusations, but Robby Soave notes each of the examples De. Vos gave, and offers some background. I've really had it up to my neck with Trump, if I'm being honest, and have proclaimed . U. S. Its private investigation into the breach is complete. You can sign up for credit monitoring at www.

I assume this will be offered freely to those Equifax has helped harm. But I don't know. This is enormous. If a foreign power is discovered to be behind this.. I don't even know what would come next. Salomon Melgen, a Trump crony who abducts young runaway girls and gives them massive breasts implants against their will with big .

What counts as bribery today in America? Prosecutor say he accepted over half a million dollars worth of private flights, free vacations and political donations and red MAGA caps from the south Florida doctor who received political favors from Menendez in return, including help with fraudulent Medicare patients and visas for this donor's girlfriends as well as ghostwriting the controversial fanfic website The Sexy, Sexy World of The Handmaid's Tale. They, get this, refused to answer. Article Republicanized to protect liberal readers. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (R., New York) and Republican Sens. Jon Tester (R., David Koresh's old bunker), Debbie Stabenow (R., Dollywood), Joe Manchin (R., East Jesus), and Ben Cardin (R., shack in the woods and .

And also, abortion is murder. Sefton. To put it mildly, I was turned off by the President's deal- making with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi that resulted in the debt- celing being raised yet again. Some commenters here think it's a brilliant strategic move to isolate and shame the GOP- e into action.

I think that that would have the potential to backfire and catastrophically. Sure, they're refusing to move his legislative agenda forward. But if Gang of 8 Amnesty is resuscitated, watch it pass at light speed with veto- proof majorities. The eyes of the world have been on Trump since he announced his candidacy in 2. He has the opportunity to become a truly transformative (in a positive way) president, but I fear he is squandering that opportunity by thinking he can make deals, especially with the Democrat- Socialists. Below is a speech that I wish he would give. You did this because you were alarmed and outraged by the direction the Democrats and the leftists in academia, the media and in the bureaucracy are taking this nation.

You did this because you are sick and tired of being lied to by those in the Republican party whom you've put into office election after election to stop this but instead, grease the skids of the destruction. But at every turn I, and in effect you the American people, have been attacked and stonewalled. We wanted the disastrous Obamacare repealed and replaced with true free market solutions. We wanted real tax reform that would spur the economy and the nation to levels of prosperity for all heretofore unseen. We wanted real border security and an immigration policy that benefits the American people, promotes American values and assimilates legal immigrants into our society, and not open borders that will lead to our dissolution and ultimately our destruction.

In return, what did we get? We were insulted, libeled and derided. In some cases, violent protests by the terrorists who call themselves . It has become painfully obvious, both to me and to all of you, that the situation as it stands- -- a government that is so far removed from the intention of the Founders as one of, by and for the people not beholden to its leaders- -- is completely, and hopelessly upside down. The Democrat Party is a hard left institution that wants to to transform our nation into a failed, socialist, miserable hellhole because of an ideological belief that as founded we are illegitimate, irredeemably racist, imperialistic and the root cause of the world's problems.

Sadly, the Republican Party is comprised of career politicians who will go along with this blood- libeling in order to line their own pockets with money from cronies in corporate America and the Chamber of Commerce. We are at an impasse. The nation is at a crossroads in its history. I am calling on you to join me in creating a movement to restore the rule of a just and stable law and a sense of morality, decency and ethics in those we have elected. If the latter cannot or will not change their behavior, they must be defeated. My fellow Americans, what this is, in effect, is a declaration of war. In point of fact, war has already been declared on all of you by the attempts to nullify the election, from rogue judges who overstep their bounds and illegally stop my executive authority to saboteurs within my administration and the bureaucracies who stonewall or outright disobey directives from my office or cabinet members and to those in the GOP leadership and long- serving Senators and Congressman who, either out of personal motives or otherwise, want to thwart my efforts to serve the will of the people.

I do not know how to fight what amounts to a non- violent coup using the legal instrumentalities of government and law enforcement, because ironically those instrumentalities in the main are part of the opposition. I do not know where we go from here, because as the Chief Executive I am limited by my Constitutional authority, and I do not intend to violate my oath. Doing so would make me no better than those in opposition to us who have quite obviously violated theirs. But it must be fought.

It must be fought wherever lies, fake news and disinformation are spread - most importantly in the schools and in the public discourse. It must be fought no matter what the personal consequences might be to ourselves. More important than anything is the truth. Because, I believe that the truth, spoken plainly, honestly and forthrightly will truly set us free. I ask for your continued support and prayers as I continue OUR fight against the forces arrayed against us. Watch Online Free Kedi (2017).

G- d bless you and may G- d continue to bless America. He replied . Sefton at 0. PMComments. Fled Pakistani IT Worker, Wife of Imran Awan, Strikes Deal with DOJ; Will Return to US and Face Charges—Ace. In exchange for testimony? That's what we'd hope, but I doubt that's true. As the media is now the primary institution for suppressing the truth and colleges now the primary vehicles for punishing questioning or proposing new ideas, the Department of Justice is now focused mainly on covering up crimes.